Joalis Bottle 0.5 litre

Joalis bottle is made of borosilicate glass, which has higher strength. Unlike plastic bottles, glass does not release harmful substances into the water, such as BPA. The bottle has a neoprene cover (with a logo and fractal motif), which not only protects the bottle against breakage, but also has a thermal insulation function.

Made in the Czech Republic

in stock

17 EUR

We have 20 years of experience

Eczema and asthma

I first met with Joalis method as a teenager when it helped me a lot with lingering eczema. Now, after years, I said to myself that I would fine-tune my health (I often suffered from cold sores, eczema here and there). I went for Jolis examination...

Linda, Prague (41)

Bipolar disorder

In 1997 I was diagnosed with the mental illness. The doctors' verdict at the time was: manic-depressive disorder. I was taken to a psychiatric hospital in Kroměříž and I became a local patient for 17 long years. I spent 3 months of each year in the...



My daughter was diagnosed with atypical autism when she was three years old. The first symptoms appeared immediately after birth. Rozálka did not have a suction reflex, which is innate in "normal children". After half a year of living, when we I had...

Pavlína Pešatová, Nový Jičín


In spring, a few years ago, I was bitten by a tick. After couple of weeks, I fell sick - it started with a cough, then fever followed. My doctor told me that I was showing signs of Lyme disease and I was prescribed antibiotics. My condition...

Pavel from Brno (49)

Eczema and asthma

I first met with Joalis method as a teenager when it helped me a lot with lingering eczema. Now, after years, I said to myself that I would fine-tune my health (I often suffered from cold sores, eczema here and there). I went for Jolis examination...

Linda, Prague (41)

Bipolar disorder

In 1997 I was diagnosed with the mental illness. The doctors' verdict at the time was: manic-depressive disorder. I was taken to a psychiatric hospital in Kroměříž and I became a local patient for 17 long years. I spent 3 months of each year in the...



My daughter was diagnosed with atypical autism when she was three years old. The first symptoms appeared immediately after birth. Rozálka did not have a suction reflex, which is innate in "normal children". After half a year of living, when we I had...

Pavlína Pešatová, Nový Jičín


In spring, a few years ago, I was bitten by a tick. After couple of weeks, I fell sick - it started with a cough, then fever followed. My doctor told me that I was showing signs of Lyme disease and I was prescribed antibiotics. My condition...

Pavel from Brno (49)

Eczema and asthma

I first met with Joalis method as a teenager when it helped me a lot with lingering eczema. Now, after years, I said to myself that I would fine-tune my health (I often suffered from cold sores, eczema here and there). I went for Jolis examination...

Linda, Prague (41)

Bipolar disorder

In 1997 I was diagnosed with the mental illness. The doctors' verdict at the time was: manic-depressive disorder. I was taken to a psychiatric hospital in Kroměříž and I became a local patient for 17 long years. I spent 3 months of each year in the...
